Thursday, September 4, 2014

Reflections of Me

I cannot tell you anything that you are not already capable of knowing yourself.
Nor can I give you anything that is not already at your fingertips.
You have all the answers within your own Being to all of the questions you or anyone else may ask.

Each of us has enormous capacity of Being.
So what is it that we want or need from each other?
Value; We have the capacity to value ourselves and in doing so we set our own value.
Companionship; We experience companionship with others to the capacity that we have companionship with ourselves.

How can I understand others, if I don’t understand myself?

You reflect to me what is already within my own awareness whether I am awake to it or not.
What most of us are looking for outside of ourselves is a reflection, a mirror of what lies within us so that we can gaze upon ourselves.

As I gaze upon myself in the reflection of you
I see the beauty that hides within me

In your grief I touch on the grief I hide inside
In your laughter, laughter is ignited within me

Your Joy radiates and pierces the Joy laden in me
So that we can be in Joy

Your Spirit Unites with Mine as we gaze at Beauty emanated by a flower

This must mean that Beauty enables us to see our harmony
 A harmony so perfect that nothing can escape it

As I connect to the world outside of myself it reflects me to you and you to me

We are in concert with the great symphony of the Cosmos
Infinitely expressing itself

In those special tender moments when I touch something in me gazing at you
I can hear the masterpiece sweeping us away
I can see the Vision drawing us near
I can smell the fragrance of our essence

For You Are a Part of Me and I am a Part of You
Endless Reflections of the One in Us

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
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