Thursday, December 18, 2014

Star Dust Ignited

From where star dust ignited Into flames
Inner vision revealed the dancing flashes of red blue yellow & hints of green
The place where light penetrates the darkness feeling it with liquid joy

As it danced between & through every cell my vessel is translucent
Transported to a world where Souls waltz in the light of Pranayama

Surrounded with the endless essence of Beings with beauty exploding in magnificence
As we join in a reverie of endless love steaming forth in its infinite wonderment I lose all sense of self

A rainbow halo placed where I once perceived my crown

Street beggars with praying hands surrounded by shopping bags filled with teddy bears of pink, yellow, blue & brown
Mothers & fathers on her knees wailing in grief as the empty burnt bodies of their children lay before them

All the terror of human frailty flashes swiftly before in added vision
The flow of golden molten liquid love widens its breath into the grave of despair burning what remains of human misery

A tower beam of pure white light propels out of our fiery molten love
Connecting to a star shining -revealing at its core
A radiant blue diamond where my presence of being re-emerges

Emerald green twinkles replace my eyes merging vision into spirit

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

For the Children

As we Release the repulsion of worn out ideologies
We can Embrace the essence of our Being as ONE LIFE

In Holding the innocence of our youth in Reverence
We recognize this space where new ideas are born
And we begin our Work with this creative process

When adults are secure within themselves
Then the new ideas of the children become a catalyst

When we Commit ourselves to the work of bringing about inner peace
We realize our duty

Embrace this fresh new energy born unto humanity
So that we can move forward with Harmony & Beauty

For the Children are the Future Voice and their innocence Prevails

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved