Thursday, April 9, 2015

Purple Star

Purple Star

Purple star on high shining forth in the darkness of night

Suspended and absent of time or space yet held within both

Your mighty color attracts me

I am aware that you are hidden within me

I reach to the highest point of my conscious awareness

Surrounded by the darkest space, apparent absence of light

It is here that the light bends revealing the infinite glory of creation

Your magnificent presence is revealed as a point of synthesis

My mind grasps to express the atonement of your Greatness

Yet the words used to cloth this vision appear separate from your essence

Oh Purple Star on High I am cleansed by your Majestic Radiance

One with your nature while expressing my character of your Being

Angels and Humanity rejoice at your Earthly Reveal of Great Beauty

Even those unconscious & unaware are touched at the core of their Being

For your essence is the point at which all Beings are One

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved