Saturday, May 9, 2015

White Lotus

In Honor of H.P.B.

White Lotus

There she stood tall on her steed
Wind warrior riding to her destiny

Stout build with a sturdy focus
Determined in her mission
Not knowing the magnitude of her discoveries
Lying ahead, timeless in their nature

The strength of her glance into the desert travail
Spirit calling her forward with the steadfast drive of sheer will

Oh how I can reach out & touch the full heart of your glory
And the thrill of the unknowing.

What magnificent rich history you will reveal from days of yore
Of the mysteries unveiled when opening that fantastic golden door

You know that place where light floods down an amazing staircase
The one that gets steeper the higher it extends until it becomes a ladder
Just when we think we reached the top it spirals again and again

What drives us on, magnificent Wind warrior
The shear will of determined action
Friend or Foe we try to discern only to find its both.

Oh how I love you Wind warrior princess of the Aquarian Age
In reverence you sit in the ethers where masters are revered

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
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