Monday, July 13, 2015

In My Humanness

In My Humanness

In my humanness I reveal my shadow
Haunting impressions remind me of my frailty

Lingering patterns of human emotion raw & vulnerable
Projected on the world in weak moments
Stand revealed

As I break down the persona of my worn out Ego reactions
I stand in judgement as I have judged others
I am targeted with the same conviction of egotism I once displayed
In an empathetic state of being I accept My Humanness

Wavering on high
 I slip into unending darkness
Intense pain piercing through my being
Echoes of years gone by

My heart plays a symphony of compassion
I sink into my fragile body
A stream of feeling flows seeming unending
Until I am empty, EMPTY!

In my weaken state I endure
Apparent consciousness Synthesizes with presence
Deity shines forth far above
My vessel becomes a liquid lighted ewer
Peace becomes me!

In my humanness
I sit motionless

© 2015 Mechel Gallaway

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