Wednesday, August 19, 2015

In This Translucent World

In this translucent world
Awakening each day on a cloud
Strolling through a corridor of light
Blending into the Radiant Sun
ALL Suns Unite as One
I dissolve in the Light  

Coalesce with form I emerge
Ready to meet my Day
Human yet Not

As I activate the command station
I feel strained and stretched
Coffee, breakfast, Animal Friends Ground Me

Family, Group, Tasks, and Life ensues
Can you see through me to the infinite?
Can you hear me to the end of the universe?
Can you touch me and move right through me?

© 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

ALL in the ALL

To think that I AM the ALL in the ALL
When it's the ALL in the ALL thinking it

An infinite loop of consciousness
with no beginning and no end

Appearing as individual consciousness
while Being One with ALL individuals

The cause is the effect
and the effect is the cause

Aware or not aware
does not change the changeless

Consciousness IS

To think that we don't Love is an illusion
For in not Loving we create a vacuum for love
and simultaneously a Love magnet
For in Love is the ALL Consciousness

To think that we are the object or subject of Love is an illusion
for the ALL is neither the object or the subject of Love


ALL is both the container and the contained.

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 10, 2015


If I have a cauldron of Divine Love
I can catch all the bullets & turn them to Love

Each time one penetrates it's recipient
They will be blessed with an open heart

If I have a cauldron of Divine Love
I can catch all the missiles & turn them into Joy

Each time one falls on a target
A Joyful Radiance will abound

If I have a cauldron of Divine Love
I can catch all the bombs & turn them into Hugs

Each time one is dropped on a community
Every inhabitant will be filled with affection & caring

If I have a cauldron of Divine Love
I can transform the War Machine into a Love Machine.

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved