Friday, September 25, 2015


ALL Life is connected through space (the womb of creation) think about it, space is everywhere, it's pervasive. It's also connected by light, light is also pervasive & everywhere for at the edge of space light bends making space only a container of light. Love & Will are closely linked through the Will to Love. Will is in all manifested life for it is the consciousness contained in the form coalescing the manifested.

ALL else is illusory.

(C) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
 All rights reserved

 This is intellectual property of Mechel Gallaway & David Daniels

Yes! Autumn Paints Beauty before our eyes reminding us of the Beauty that lies within the crusty white snow of winter. Only to return in a spectacular radiant Symphony of Spring leading us back to the Solar festive of the lighted way. Where we unite once more at the Wesak & Festival of the Christ. The Seasons create an ebb and flow to our Outward & Inward life.  

(C) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
This Is the intellectual property of Mechel Gallaway & David Daniels
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Unwanted Children
Born Into the Arms of a Punished Life
Where Torture Begets Torture
Pain Begets Pain

Their Only Crime to Come Forth
Into the Womb of Rejection
Unknowingly So

Filled with the Fruit of the Universe
Manifested in the Balance of Their Unwanted Self

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
This poem is the property of Mechel Gallaway & David Daniels
All Rights Reserved