Thursday, March 24, 2016


Verily I say unto you be kind to Self in order that Self may be kind to others.

For it is in Self that kindness flourishes so that it may grow through the symphony of life and spread like the wind into the hearts of others.

For what is Life without kindness.

I say unto you to express tenderness to the Self for this tenderness is the soil from which Love grows

Like a delicate flower we coddle and caress this bud of Life for its essence showers the world in fragrance infusing every cell with strength and courage of Divinity.

Groom the garden of Self removing the weeds of selfish desire
For it is in selflessness that we become the True and Noble Being we are Called to Be

Go forth as my messenger to the world and spread the Glory of Holiness for it is in the Holy Place where we gather to plan the future Garden of Life filled with the Essence of Our Beings

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Bee and The Blue Button Flower

The bee drinks of the nectar
We drink of the spume

Bubbles of essence

Reflected in its tiny presence

(c) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved