Friday, April 22, 2016

Ribbons Dancing in The Wind

Ribbons Streaming a Squall
Flashing Lightening Beams
Poised Tall

Plunged into a Quagmire
Vibrancy Mutes
Visions Blur

Brilliant Ones Reach Back
Creating Palettes of Color
Exploding Cosmos Tack

Birth Dividing
Yin Meets Yang
Choreographing Experience
Mystical Boomerang

Enchanting Adventures Emerge
Luring Lambs in Shroud
Creating Copious Urge
Lost in the Crowd

Possessing Passion
Camouflaged in Fashion
Disguised as Compassion

Memoirs upon Memoirs
Sources Beyond Recollection
Musing Tickles Reason
Sparking Cognition

Essence Grants Life
Life Begets Being

Subtle Impressions Penetrate
With Enchanting Prophecy
As Aspirations Stimulate
Ideology and Philosophy

Tension ensues
Battle Rages On
Out of Fear One Might Lose
Once Being Now Pawn

Hierarchy of Mirrors
Reflecting the Light
Piercing the Veil
Manifest Soul Flight

Rays of Divinity
Penetrate Dense Fog
Stimulates Affinity
Turning the Cog

Sparks of Recognition
Reverse the Wheel

© 2016 Mechel Gallaway

All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 16, 2016



Darkness Harkens to the
Harsh Night
Stricken with Grief

She was Precious
Just a few Hours Before
Now Branches Hiding as Tubes
Feeds Her Breath

Glistening Eyes Closed Tight
As She Fades
Readying for Flight

Gut Wrenching Pain
Nearing the Insane 

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway 
All Rights Reserved

Artwork by Mechel Gallaway

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

In the bosom of this Blossom

I can hear children laughing

I can see dogs running and jumping

I can smell the soil after a week long rain

I can feel the spongy ground of the Ozark's under my feet

I imagine this blossom wilting into an apricot

I smell the sweetness of the ripe fruit

Followed by the next juicy bite dripping down my chin.

Mechel Gallaway
(C) 2016 All Rights Reserved

Photo by: Mechel Gallaway
An Apricot Blossom from an OLD TREE in the Ozark's.