Thursday, May 19, 2016


As you drink from my Bosom
Let Aspiration -  Take Hold

Energy Surges
Unleashing Imagination

Wild Child Mad with Stardust
Release the Furry

Brake the Chains
Be Free

Burst Open Superconscious
Reveal the Maniac

Heavenly Brush in Hand
Create Infinity

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 6, 2016


I don't obey you
I don't take you
I give to you freely Love

It's not my Love
It's not our Love

Love is Divine
It can't be owned
It can't be contained

It must be free
To flow like a gentle mountain stream
Pure, translucent, vibrant - emanating Life

If you try to contain it
You will burst open
Ignite like a rocket
Burning what lies behind you

There is no limit to this Love
It is infinite in its expression

My only vow is to
Live with this Love
Flowing through My veins
Shining bright in my eyes
Touching you with its light

(c) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Sixth Root

Standing Firm Like a Forest
Rooted in Love
Fertilized with Prana

Crystal Branches
Transcending Space
Magnified in Cosmic Grace

Bearing Visions
Of a Radiant Place
With a Soul Fused Human Race

Harmonized Creations Abound
Singing and Dancing All Around
An Infinite Playful Gala

With Symphonies Composed in Synthesis
In a Divine Jamboree

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bright Star

Piercing Blue Eyes
Singing Joyful Melodies
Making our Hearts Sing the Harmony

Glimmering Lights Dancing in Our Midst
Dusting All in Her Path with her little Angel Mitts

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved.