Thursday, June 16, 2016


That Which Humanity Shares

Stardust of Cosmic Flame
Burning at the center of every blazing cell
Cell of Freedom when Awakened to its Fullness of Glory
Becoming IN-TO Glowing Transparent Illuminations of Spirit

Soup Mind of Subconsciousness
Where Emotions Rotten with Forgetfulness of SELF
Play Havoc on Reason
Hiding the Jewels of Experience
Where Diver Training prepares one to Extract such Gems
For the Treasury of the Soul

Mind Engine of Electric Manifested Creativity
Unrealized and Crystalized into the Concrete
Where Chisel meets Hand
Painfully Chipping Away at the Tomb Stone of Illusions Hold

Intuition of Beauty 
UNManifested Synthesis
Unknown to the Masses
Where Art Explodes in the Minds Awakened
Yet Unclean of Vanity
Waiting to Shine Through the Darkest Night
Darkness Oozing with the Stench of Suffering

Anguished Children
Hungry Bellies Yearning for Nutrition
Not Knowing when Humanity will Grasp Goodness
Goodness of Sharing 
Unconscious UNManifestation of the Soul
Locked into the Pit of Lust Loin Madness 

Alchemy of Motherhood
Where Womb Wanting
Thirsts for Refuge
Bosom of Sweetness
Outpouring of Infinite Milky Spume
Forgotten Source

That Which is Holiness
Patiently waiting
For a Glimmer of Recognition
When Spark of Spirit Bursts Open
Hearts of Love 
Essence Born of Divine Reflection


Tear Open the Chains Chafing
Once Supple Skin of Flowing Compassion
Where Blue Liquid lightening Strikes 
the Heart of Hearts
Held Sacred by Angels in Waiting 

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Friday, June 10, 2016


Harmonizing Visions shed light in dark corners
     Where itty-bitty Love warrior slumbers on mink

    Sleepy hulk snore
             Plays a melody

Petite traveler of  cloud surfers
        Nothing left of fear

Sprint,  blazing Sun Princess
      Into Angle Wings

Conclave of neighbors sanctuary to our Soul

Luminous fingers stroking bruised bodies
                 Risen beyond deaths illusion

Time traveler of galaxies
      Where transfigured demons
             Alchemy to Gold

Extinct battered basements
   Become concrete footings for the New World

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved





Blaze open community
     Gathering souls

Wind swept forests
     beaming with Prana

Sing a leaves breath
      of Electric air

 Painting stokes
      lacing open hearts

Dance of trees
     weaving a braid

Uniting the mist
   Of Spirit Wisdom

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Fluid Light of Lights
Giver of Life Givers
Heart of Hearts

Destroyer of Vanity
Slayer of Glamour
Truth Piercing My Illusions

Divine Love of Loves
Logo of Logos
Bestower of Bliss

Your Endless Essence Unites Our Presence
Beyond Perception of Consciousness

My Vessel ignites in a Blazing Glory
As I Bath in your Waters of Light Being

My Light Body Coalescing
Awareness Shifts
The Quill Quivers

Luminous Word Cloth
Scribing it's Way
Piercing the Veil

Flaming Path of Agni
Touching All Who Perceive

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved