Monday, August 28, 2023

Morning Muse

 January 29, 2023 at 7:11 AM 

That’s what it said when I looked inside but what happens to 1968 or 1983 how did I get here it’s 2023 where did 40 years go did I put them in my pocket and forget them

When I was 8 was that really me or someone who thought me into 2023


Is it the dark night of the soul

Are these holy warriors 

Are these words scribbled over my face

Or am I dreaming 

The pressure moves up my spine while I’m sleeping 

Clamps my brain until I can’t move

What about it’s glory 

Is this what happens when I die

Or am I dreaming 

Face’s spinning by while I scroll 

Was that what I think it was

Or am I dreaming 

Tomorrow I will wake and wonder who it was that wrote this

Or am I dreaming tomorrow away like diamonds flickering in the sky


He said wow then silence fell like a soft blanket of warm snow, gentle and loving with a sweet fragrance floating by

My stomach growled 

Am I hungry now or is that just a frog hopping by telling me secrets that no one knows or can find inside

The pain I feel in my hip makes a knot it suspends a streamer down my leg until my foot flickers and bends back where it came from bent and twisted inside her womb

She’s become a monster with demons holding her captive she no longer knows who I am the one who came to visit first in 1960 June I think or was I dreaming 


I resided in the dark until the light flickered inside me where a universe sprung forth like a mountain exploding until the lava turned blue then purple like a moon next to me in bed

Or was it in my head 

He moved then sighed or was it a soft loving whisper I can’t tell what does his silence speak to me while my finger touches the screen 

Was that his finger popping of am I imagining this into existence while what I think is my body lays here in this place 

Where is this am I here or am I dreaming 


He said wow baby was it followed by umm or was it hummm I can’t tel now he is there with his head propped with elbows framed with his legs moving 

Is this real or am I dreaming this into existence so I can keep thinking 

Like a novel scribed in my brain or is my brain a scribe or was I scribing it 

It was dark only a few hours ago now the light comes softly through the window into the bedroom where my I think it’s a body that belongs to me but how do I really know or understand what is here or there or anywhere when I isn’t really real


I woke up with my ear hurting at 5:30 it felt like a fiery dagger or was it my dad branding me so he can find me next life or is Meric my Dad reborn my Grandson 


The light came back on top of my head like a halo or a crown it stopped shining in my head until I thought it made my brain glow with blue 

is that my brain or is it something else that replaced me like a new cycle swaying into being

I said it to him these words

If we’re transparent with ourselves then peace comes 

He said hummm or was it huh I don’t know

I hear the water running through the wall outside it’s sending water to the roots of the plants in our raised bed or is it a sunken garden beneath a wall we had built to keep the plants from growing inside out like a body with the internal organs exposed now that sounds gross 

I once heard of a plant that looked like brains and another that smelled rotten is that natures way of telling us it’s pissed at us

Or are we pisses at it - it seems like we are, the way we treat it like a disposable blanket that came to warm us in the fires of the 8th plane


He said

That’s some cool stuff coming through babe 

I said it

I haven’t been writing for years

He said

You’ve been painting 

That’s right I’ve been painting my insides onto a canvas as in the dark night of my soul scribed into a flower glowing red pink orange purple and yellow 

they once exploded off the canvas and consumed the world as I knew it 

then it reappeared out of the womb of that darkened night until the radiant sun emerged into a Great White Angel who came to save us from our stupidity