Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Law of Corespondence

Through the law of correspondence we explore, only to find the universe exists in the minutest corner of matter unchanged by our illusion of form! 

To have a relationship with the stars, solar systems, galaxies & universes only to find those same Great Beings living in us, among us & all around us, wait a moment we are one of them ðŸ˜Š

(C) 2015 Mechel Gallaway & David Daniels
All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 25, 2015


ALL Life is connected through space (the womb of creation) think about it, space is everywhere, it's pervasive. It's also connected by light, light is also pervasive & everywhere for at the edge of space light bends making space only a container of light. Love & Will are closely linked through the Will to Love. Will is in all manifested life for it is the consciousness contained in the form coalescing the manifested.

ALL else is illusory.

(C) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
 All rights reserved

 This is intellectual property of Mechel Gallaway & David Daniels

Yes! Autumn Paints Beauty before our eyes reminding us of the Beauty that lies within the crusty white snow of winter. Only to return in a spectacular radiant Symphony of Spring leading us back to the Solar festive of the lighted way. Where we unite once more at the Wesak & Festival of the Christ. The Seasons create an ebb and flow to our Outward & Inward life.  

(C) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
This Is the intellectual property of Mechel Gallaway & David Daniels
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Unwanted Children
Born Into the Arms of a Punished Life
Where Torture Begets Torture
Pain Begets Pain

Their Only Crime to Come Forth
Into the Womb of Rejection
Unknowingly So

Filled with the Fruit of the Universe
Manifested in the Balance of Their Unwanted Self

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
This poem is the property of Mechel Gallaway & David Daniels
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

In This Translucent World

In this translucent world
Awakening each day on a cloud
Strolling through a corridor of light
Blending into the Radiant Sun
ALL Suns Unite as One
I dissolve in the Light  

Coalesce with form I emerge
Ready to meet my Day
Human yet Not

As I activate the command station
I feel strained and stretched
Coffee, breakfast, Animal Friends Ground Me

Family, Group, Tasks, and Life ensues
Can you see through me to the infinite?
Can you hear me to the end of the universe?
Can you touch me and move right through me?

© 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

ALL in the ALL

To think that I AM the ALL in the ALL
When it's the ALL in the ALL thinking it

An infinite loop of consciousness
with no beginning and no end

Appearing as individual consciousness
while Being One with ALL individuals

The cause is the effect
and the effect is the cause

Aware or not aware
does not change the changeless

Consciousness IS

To think that we don't Love is an illusion
For in not Loving we create a vacuum for love
and simultaneously a Love magnet
For in Love is the ALL Consciousness

To think that we are the object or subject of Love is an illusion
for the ALL is neither the object or the subject of Love


ALL is both the container and the contained.

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 10, 2015


If I have a cauldron of Divine Love
I can catch all the bullets & turn them to Love

Each time one penetrates it's recipient
They will be blessed with an open heart

If I have a cauldron of Divine Love
I can catch all the missiles & turn them into Joy

Each time one falls on a target
A Joyful Radiance will abound

If I have a cauldron of Divine Love
I can catch all the bombs & turn them into Hugs

Each time one is dropped on a community
Every inhabitant will be filled with affection & caring

If I have a cauldron of Divine Love
I can transform the War Machine into a Love Machine.

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 13, 2015

In My Humanness

In My Humanness

In my humanness I reveal my shadow
Haunting impressions remind me of my frailty

Lingering patterns of human emotion raw & vulnerable
Projected on the world in weak moments
Stand revealed

As I break down the persona of my worn out Ego reactions
I stand in judgement as I have judged others
I am targeted with the same conviction of egotism I once displayed
In an empathetic state of being I accept My Humanness

Wavering on high
 I slip into unending darkness
Intense pain piercing through my being
Echoes of years gone by

My heart plays a symphony of compassion
I sink into my fragile body
A stream of feeling flows seeming unending
Until I am empty, EMPTY!

In my weaken state I endure
Apparent consciousness Synthesizes with presence
Deity shines forth far above
My vessel becomes a liquid lighted ewer
Peace becomes me!

In my humanness
I sit motionless

© 2015 Mechel Gallaway

All Rights Reserved

Saturday, May 9, 2015

White Lotus

In Honor of H.P.B.

White Lotus

There she stood tall on her steed
Wind warrior riding to her destiny

Stout build with a sturdy focus
Determined in her mission
Not knowing the magnitude of her discoveries
Lying ahead, timeless in their nature

The strength of her glance into the desert travail
Spirit calling her forward with the steadfast drive of sheer will

Oh how I can reach out & touch the full heart of your glory
And the thrill of the unknowing.

What magnificent rich history you will reveal from days of yore
Of the mysteries unveiled when opening that fantastic golden door

You know that place where light floods down an amazing staircase
The one that gets steeper the higher it extends until it becomes a ladder
Just when we think we reached the top it spirals again and again

What drives us on, magnificent Wind warrior
The shear will of determined action
Friend or Foe we try to discern only to find its both.

Oh how I love you Wind warrior princess of the Aquarian Age
In reverence you sit in the ethers where masters are revered

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Purple Star

Purple Star

Purple star on high shining forth in the darkness of night

Suspended and absent of time or space yet held within both

Your mighty color attracts me

I am aware that you are hidden within me

I reach to the highest point of my conscious awareness

Surrounded by the darkest space, apparent absence of light

It is here that the light bends revealing the infinite glory of creation

Your magnificent presence is revealed as a point of synthesis

My mind grasps to express the atonement of your Greatness

Yet the words used to cloth this vision appear separate from your essence

Oh Purple Star on High I am cleansed by your Majestic Radiance

One with your nature while expressing my character of your Being

Angels and Humanity rejoice at your Earthly Reveal of Great Beauty

Even those unconscious & unaware are touched at the core of their Being

For your essence is the point at which all Beings are One

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Master Jupiter

Master Jupiter

My consciousness touches your presence
In your tenderness a door opens
Revealed within me is the reflection of your Love
Love so powerful in its expression it penetrates every cell
Blinding brilliance pierces through all time and space
Omniscient Embrace

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 21, 2015



An Astral projector
Scripting the next scene
Awaiting its cue

Spectators watch & listen

Mirrors echoing mirrors
A slumbering mime of the Self
Reflecting the ALL

(c) Mechel Gallaway 2015
All Rights Reserved

Wounds of the Heart Warrior

Inapparent Tomb Holding
Wounds of the Heart Warrior
Moments etched by infinite wisdom veiled from sight

Honed into Jewels of the Treasury
By Focussed tension Willing the Way
To A Warrior Heart enshrined
In the Sanctuary of the Soul

(c) Mechel Gallaway 2015
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 12, 2015


The water of life is an essential being, sacred in its nature, pure in its form. Man in his narcissism has failed to understand the power of the presence of water. All moisture is interconnected. It is pervasive throughout the universe only man has failed to realize this & believes that only it's material representation of its essence on this planet is water itself when in reality it is only its outward appearance. 

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 2, 2015

My Husband

Your eyes glow with piercing blue love reaching into the depth of my mind’s eye
Our Souls connect in a flash so bright I squint in this Presence of Our Being Merged as One
Our essence ignites with Joy so great that it flashes beyond the chasm of the Universe
We merge in an instance with the Source of Our Creation
Formless yet infinitely creating form with great majesty
A timeless moment filled with truth so pure my mind strains in grasp of it
Consciousness yet unconscious in its appearance as in-tension enables remembrance
Remembrances so mighty in its strength its power pierces the essential of my Being
Returning to our Earthly reveal with humility
Tears of our sweet essence stream forth
This Water of our life expression purifies every cell
Transparent glowing vessels cradle our Soul

© 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Know that I Love You

As you take each breath of air into your precious lungs, know that I love you.
As you delight in the beauty cast before your eyes, know that I love you.

With each experience, there lies a gem of creation gifting you with wisdom.
Know that I love YOU!

I open my chest revealing infinity, Being Ignites within You. You now know that I Love You.

© 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I Have Eaten of the Fruit of Purification

I have eaten of the fruit of purification and No longer afraid of the storms
I take my wounded child home Restored to her fullness of being
Gliding on flames we proceed illuminating the dark & windy road
Preparing the way to this wonderful market
Where all will find this plump ripe fruit so pure in its beauty that
No color can decide who's worthy of its glory
You will find it there in its harmonizing white majesty

© 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved