Sunday, March 29, 2015

Master Jupiter

Master Jupiter

My consciousness touches your presence
In your tenderness a door opens
Revealed within me is the reflection of your Love
Love so powerful in its expression it penetrates every cell
Blinding brilliance pierces through all time and space
Omniscient Embrace

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Saturday, March 21, 2015



An Astral projector
Scripting the next scene
Awaiting its cue

Spectators watch & listen

Mirrors echoing mirrors
A slumbering mime of the Self
Reflecting the ALL

(c) Mechel Gallaway 2015
All Rights Reserved

Wounds of the Heart Warrior

Inapparent Tomb Holding
Wounds of the Heart Warrior
Moments etched by infinite wisdom veiled from sight

Honed into Jewels of the Treasury
By Focussed tension Willing the Way
To A Warrior Heart enshrined
In the Sanctuary of the Soul

(c) Mechel Gallaway 2015
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 12, 2015


The water of life is an essential being, sacred in its nature, pure in its form. Man in his narcissism has failed to understand the power of the presence of water. All moisture is interconnected. It is pervasive throughout the universe only man has failed to realize this & believes that only it's material representation of its essence on this planet is water itself when in reality it is only its outward appearance. 

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 2, 2015

My Husband

Your eyes glow with piercing blue love reaching into the depth of my mind’s eye
Our Souls connect in a flash so bright I squint in this Presence of Our Being Merged as One
Our essence ignites with Joy so great that it flashes beyond the chasm of the Universe
We merge in an instance with the Source of Our Creation
Formless yet infinitely creating form with great majesty
A timeless moment filled with truth so pure my mind strains in grasp of it
Consciousness yet unconscious in its appearance as in-tension enables remembrance
Remembrances so mighty in its strength its power pierces the essential of my Being
Returning to our Earthly reveal with humility
Tears of our sweet essence stream forth
This Water of our life expression purifies every cell
Transparent glowing vessels cradle our Soul

© 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved