Saturday, December 17, 2016

Right Human Relations

The lesson is the same from all perspectives. 

There is only one eye, we shift our perspective in order to meet our desire, and that perspective is challenged by others perspective creating friction. 

When there is a shared perspective then friction dissipates & unity occurs. Until one of the participants begins to think in a new direction. 

Then unity is lost & friction ensues. 

When we release the mind and approach each other with an open heart Unity abounds with connectivity of the higher heart.

When we communicate through the heart we become creative in unity.

(C) 2015  Mechel Gallaway Daniels

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Soul's Embrace

That which the Soul Embraces is often fleeting in human
When human sinks into the soft space between breaths
the Soul's Embrace invokes peace

Peace of the Soul penetrates the strata of Being
Bringing harmony to all that veils

When human rings the bell of the Soul's peaceful presence
Often and with pure intent the veil is rent

Human crosses the threshold as the Temple Rises into the heavens

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, October 31, 2016


This Holy conception
Fertility of Sacred Seed
Invoking creation
Aligned with Karmic Creed

At the Soul’s Command
Divine Divas Weave
According to the Plan
In the Womb of Eave

Factions Assemble
Fashioned of the Elementals
Reminiscent of a Thousand Faces
Traversed Millions of Places

Consecrated Persona
Equipped with Dossier
Encoding the Subconscious
A Facade to Wear

Mental Regeneration
Prepared to Evolve
Vestment of Character
With Heightened Resolve

Kaleidoscope of Rays
Color Perception
Pentacle Ablaze
Soul’s Procreation

© 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Friday, October 21, 2016

Peace Became Me

There I stood with this incredible dark creature of the cosmos before me wanting to claim me. Behind me stood all the Brothers of Light.

One by one all my deeds reviewed. Each one the dark one proclaimed a dark deed. On closer examination the truth revealed purity of my heart. One dark deed remained as I held steady in the light, feeling the full impact of my choice. Time proclaimed my deed Undone, for it was another's projected manifestation.

I turned and faced the brother's of light, One by one they turn their back on me. In each instance, I felt only love, never once feeling any mercy bestowed on me.

When they were all done and I looked Before me, the fire light consumed me, all that remained was a Buddha shell of the white eminence.  Peace became me,nothing was left only peace.

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway

Monday, August 15, 2016

Endless Universal Love

One day my heart split open
Universes Revealed
Each a Pedal of an Omniscient Lotus

One crystalline and Clear
Origin of this Life

Another Dark and volatile
Sparkling Lights Bursting into flames

Another Shimmering in Rainbow Lights
Flavored with Desires
Purity and serenity weaving and warping
Like a masterful basket weaver

There were thousands
Each Unique in character
Presenting themselves in a kaleidoscope of ecstasy

Suddenly all the ideas
Those Crystalized mental structures
The ones who wove into prison Bars
Melted into pristine waterways

Castle clouds formed from the silvery steam
Uncovering Cities of Crystal Beings
Each Unique and Radiant

Inside a Gala of Joy Burst Open
Harmony and Rhythm beyond imagination
Tears became Rivers of Liquid Love

All where Blessed endlessly with Divinity

(C) 2016 Mechel GALLAWAY
All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 22, 2016

Blissful Union

My chest is prayed open
Revealing myAll

Mountains, Valleys, Flowers and Trees
Rolling hills with no end and no beginning
Stars burst forth in the darkness

Time melts and blends with infinity
Eery stillness presents
A River of Creation streams through me

I surrender into the Oneness of Being
Light consumes my vessel
My Apparat Form Dissolves

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 14, 2016


I see Infinite Love
Flowing Steady With Purity

Will to Be Love


Love is our Bond

©2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Friday, July 1, 2016



South Gate
Beaming Blue Light
Merging Brilliance

Squire’s Greeting
Couloirs of Magnanimity

Glowing Hexahedron
Vessel of the Lighted Harp
Strands of Rainbow Rays

Sound Forth
Vibrant Angle Tones
Streaming Purpose

Gently Strumming Majesty
Omniscient Frequencies
Symphony of Divine Purity

Awakening Veiled Sparks
Salvation of Pathfinders
Luminous Revolution

© 2016 Mechel Gallaway

All Rights Reserved

Thursday, June 16, 2016


That Which Humanity Shares

Stardust of Cosmic Flame
Burning at the center of every blazing cell
Cell of Freedom when Awakened to its Fullness of Glory
Becoming IN-TO Glowing Transparent Illuminations of Spirit

Soup Mind of Subconsciousness
Where Emotions Rotten with Forgetfulness of SELF
Play Havoc on Reason
Hiding the Jewels of Experience
Where Diver Training prepares one to Extract such Gems
For the Treasury of the Soul

Mind Engine of Electric Manifested Creativity
Unrealized and Crystalized into the Concrete
Where Chisel meets Hand
Painfully Chipping Away at the Tomb Stone of Illusions Hold

Intuition of Beauty 
UNManifested Synthesis
Unknown to the Masses
Where Art Explodes in the Minds Awakened
Yet Unclean of Vanity
Waiting to Shine Through the Darkest Night
Darkness Oozing with the Stench of Suffering

Anguished Children
Hungry Bellies Yearning for Nutrition
Not Knowing when Humanity will Grasp Goodness
Goodness of Sharing 
Unconscious UNManifestation of the Soul
Locked into the Pit of Lust Loin Madness 

Alchemy of Motherhood
Where Womb Wanting
Thirsts for Refuge
Bosom of Sweetness
Outpouring of Infinite Milky Spume
Forgotten Source

That Which is Holiness
Patiently waiting
For a Glimmer of Recognition
When Spark of Spirit Bursts Open
Hearts of Love 
Essence Born of Divine Reflection


Tear Open the Chains Chafing
Once Supple Skin of Flowing Compassion
Where Blue Liquid lightening Strikes 
the Heart of Hearts
Held Sacred by Angels in Waiting 

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Friday, June 10, 2016


Harmonizing Visions shed light in dark corners
     Where itty-bitty Love warrior slumbers on mink

    Sleepy hulk snore
             Plays a melody

Petite traveler of  cloud surfers
        Nothing left of fear

Sprint,  blazing Sun Princess
      Into Angle Wings

Conclave of neighbors sanctuary to our Soul

Luminous fingers stroking bruised bodies
                 Risen beyond deaths illusion

Time traveler of galaxies
      Where transfigured demons
             Alchemy to Gold

Extinct battered basements
   Become concrete footings for the New World

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved





Blaze open community
     Gathering souls

Wind swept forests
     beaming with Prana

Sing a leaves breath
      of Electric air

 Painting stokes
      lacing open hearts

Dance of trees
     weaving a braid

Uniting the mist
   Of Spirit Wisdom

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Fluid Light of Lights
Giver of Life Givers
Heart of Hearts

Destroyer of Vanity
Slayer of Glamour
Truth Piercing My Illusions

Divine Love of Loves
Logo of Logos
Bestower of Bliss

Your Endless Essence Unites Our Presence
Beyond Perception of Consciousness

My Vessel ignites in a Blazing Glory
As I Bath in your Waters of Light Being

My Light Body Coalescing
Awareness Shifts
The Quill Quivers

Luminous Word Cloth
Scribing it's Way
Piercing the Veil

Flaming Path of Agni
Touching All Who Perceive

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, May 19, 2016


As you drink from my Bosom
Let Aspiration -  Take Hold

Energy Surges
Unleashing Imagination

Wild Child Mad with Stardust
Release the Furry

Brake the Chains
Be Free

Burst Open Superconscious
Reveal the Maniac

Heavenly Brush in Hand
Create Infinity

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 6, 2016


I don't obey you
I don't take you
I give to you freely Love

It's not my Love
It's not our Love

Love is Divine
It can't be owned
It can't be contained

It must be free
To flow like a gentle mountain stream
Pure, translucent, vibrant - emanating Life

If you try to contain it
You will burst open
Ignite like a rocket
Burning what lies behind you

There is no limit to this Love
It is infinite in its expression

My only vow is to
Live with this Love
Flowing through My veins
Shining bright in my eyes
Touching you with its light

(c) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Sixth Root

Standing Firm Like a Forest
Rooted in Love
Fertilized with Prana

Crystal Branches
Transcending Space
Magnified in Cosmic Grace

Bearing Visions
Of a Radiant Place
With a Soul Fused Human Race

Harmonized Creations Abound
Singing and Dancing All Around
An Infinite Playful Gala

With Symphonies Composed in Synthesis
In a Divine Jamboree

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Bright Star

Piercing Blue Eyes
Singing Joyful Melodies
Making our Hearts Sing the Harmony

Glimmering Lights Dancing in Our Midst
Dusting All in Her Path with her little Angel Mitts

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Ribbons Dancing in The Wind

Ribbons Streaming a Squall
Flashing Lightening Beams
Poised Tall

Plunged into a Quagmire
Vibrancy Mutes
Visions Blur

Brilliant Ones Reach Back
Creating Palettes of Color
Exploding Cosmos Tack

Birth Dividing
Yin Meets Yang
Choreographing Experience
Mystical Boomerang

Enchanting Adventures Emerge
Luring Lambs in Shroud
Creating Copious Urge
Lost in the Crowd

Possessing Passion
Camouflaged in Fashion
Disguised as Compassion

Memoirs upon Memoirs
Sources Beyond Recollection
Musing Tickles Reason
Sparking Cognition

Essence Grants Life
Life Begets Being

Subtle Impressions Penetrate
With Enchanting Prophecy
As Aspirations Stimulate
Ideology and Philosophy

Tension ensues
Battle Rages On
Out of Fear One Might Lose
Once Being Now Pawn

Hierarchy of Mirrors
Reflecting the Light
Piercing the Veil
Manifest Soul Flight

Rays of Divinity
Penetrate Dense Fog
Stimulates Affinity
Turning the Cog

Sparks of Recognition
Reverse the Wheel

© 2016 Mechel Gallaway

All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 16, 2016



Darkness Harkens to the
Harsh Night
Stricken with Grief

She was Precious
Just a few Hours Before
Now Branches Hiding as Tubes
Feeds Her Breath

Glistening Eyes Closed Tight
As She Fades
Readying for Flight

Gut Wrenching Pain
Nearing the Insane 

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway 
All Rights Reserved

Artwork by Mechel Gallaway

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

In the bosom of this Blossom

I can hear children laughing

I can see dogs running and jumping

I can smell the soil after a week long rain

I can feel the spongy ground of the Ozark's under my feet

I imagine this blossom wilting into an apricot

I smell the sweetness of the ripe fruit

Followed by the next juicy bite dripping down my chin.

Mechel Gallaway
(C) 2016 All Rights Reserved

Photo by: Mechel Gallaway
An Apricot Blossom from an OLD TREE in the Ozark's.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Verily I say unto you be kind to Self in order that Self may be kind to others.

For it is in Self that kindness flourishes so that it may grow through the symphony of life and spread like the wind into the hearts of others.

For what is Life without kindness.

I say unto you to express tenderness to the Self for this tenderness is the soil from which Love grows

Like a delicate flower we coddle and caress this bud of Life for its essence showers the world in fragrance infusing every cell with strength and courage of Divinity.

Groom the garden of Self removing the weeds of selfish desire
For it is in selflessness that we become the True and Noble Being we are Called to Be

Go forth as my messenger to the world and spread the Glory of Holiness for it is in the Holy Place where we gather to plan the future Garden of Life filled with the Essence of Our Beings

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Bee and The Blue Button Flower

The bee drinks of the nectar
We drink of the spume

Bubbles of essence

Reflected in its tiny presence

(c) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Friday, February 26, 2016


Love seeks expression for it is a flowing river finding its way throughout all creation.

So magnificent in its presence word cloth cannot express it’s essence. 

With its glowing radiant liquid light in a deep indigo core appearing blue in its radiance. 

Those who consciously contact this Love are rendered speechless in its Beauty.

And Yet they are driven to express it as it penetrates the recesses of their Being,

So driven are those who embrace its essence their life moves in symphonic harmony.

Every Cell of their BEING is imbued with its Joy as they become an emissary of its beneficence.

Their heart beats in tune with the universe and their life is transformed for eternity.

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway

All Rights Reserved