Friday, October 21, 2016

Peace Became Me

There I stood with this incredible dark creature of the cosmos before me wanting to claim me. Behind me stood all the Brothers of Light.

One by one all my deeds reviewed. Each one the dark one proclaimed a dark deed. On closer examination the truth revealed purity of my heart. One dark deed remained as I held steady in the light, feeling the full impact of my choice. Time proclaimed my deed Undone, for it was another's projected manifestation.

I turned and faced the brother's of light, One by one they turn their back on me. In each instance, I felt only love, never once feeling any mercy bestowed on me.

When they were all done and I looked Before me, the fire light consumed me, all that remained was a Buddha shell of the white eminence.  Peace became me,nothing was left only peace.

(C) 2016 Mechel Gallaway

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