Tuesday, December 12, 2017

This Old Tree

This Old Tree

Like this old tree as we age and meet with many transitions eventually leading to the inevitable passing, we lose our leaves quicker in the fall, our roots loosen in response to tiny creatures inhabiting them, we stand strong widened under the weight of gravity, our wisdom grows, glowing in vibratory resonance to those too hurried to take notice, until our passing when suddenly they reminisce of those glimmers of open minded flirting.

By Mechel Gallaway Daniels
(C) 2017
All Rights Reserved

Free to share from original post.

Artwork by Mechel Gallaway 

Saturday, October 7, 2017

I Believe

Where will we be in a Thousand Years - 

I Believe

Humanity will be for ever changed by the influence of Divine Intent to Divine Love Wisdom in Divine Order

Our motivation will come from a much higher vibrational expression
Our Economy will flow from the Heart of the Soul Life
We will naturally live from our internal Nature of the Soul
Beauty will be the outer expression and focus of life through
Creative Writing

Education will be focussed on teaching each human being how to use their ability to create both individually and collectively. Knowledge will come from this through experience centered in the heart and soul.

And Leadership will be co-leadership - No one person will dictate to others or have a inclination towards imposition of will.

Violence will be a thing of the past because there will be no use for it

We will be in harmony with the Soul Life

We will individually and collectively co-create in harmony and beauty

Our rhythm will be a perfect expression of Love.

Mechel Gallaway

(C) Oct. 2017
Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 17, 2017

Holy Spirit

The presence of Love so pure, so inspiring that it ignites my will while condensing it to a fine point so tense…..

I exploded into a Universe

If I could cloth in words ….I touch….no word is worthy of its might, its glory

To give it clothing of the human mind would only diminish….

Once touched by its Divinity its impossible to look back
(C) 2017 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 13, 2017



I bow before the, Radiant One, in reverence to you I wash your feet

Oh holy one

You are the future sounding forth a note

I am blinded in its radiance of vibration

This silent note of your soul, can you hear it…

Awaken to its serenade of Love

How lovely and tender is your presence of being

I feel its soulful caress

Come with me to the River of Wisdom

It flows beyond perception

I will fashion a bridge on which to cross over

Do you see beyond its flowing radiance

Close your eyes that you might see

A New Kingdom of Souls

By Mechel Gallaway
© 2017 All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Group Fusion

One in Myriad

Sentient Beings
In Blissful Union

Selfless Alliance
Leading to Subtle Dissemination

Radiant Consonance
Results in Soulful Inauguration

(c) 2016 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved