Saturday, October 7, 2017

I Believe

Where will we be in a Thousand Years - 

I Believe

Humanity will be for ever changed by the influence of Divine Intent to Divine Love Wisdom in Divine Order

Our motivation will come from a much higher vibrational expression
Our Economy will flow from the Heart of the Soul Life
We will naturally live from our internal Nature of the Soul
Beauty will be the outer expression and focus of life through
Creative Writing

Education will be focussed on teaching each human being how to use their ability to create both individually and collectively. Knowledge will come from this through experience centered in the heart and soul.

And Leadership will be co-leadership - No one person will dictate to others or have a inclination towards imposition of will.

Violence will be a thing of the past because there will be no use for it

We will be in harmony with the Soul Life

We will individually and collectively co-create in harmony and beauty

Our rhythm will be a perfect expression of Love.

Mechel Gallaway

(C) Oct. 2017
Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

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