Sunday, October 10, 2021

Arch Angel Michael

 There came a mighty storm!

The kind that makes electric wind and lightning water.

I invoked the Power and Protection of Arch Angel Michael 


The sky opened 

The Sword of Benevolent Destruction pierced the stone

There he kneels before all with eyes to see

Wings aglow in radiant with Divinity 


Peace ignited my Heart with a  Love explosion

A torus expanded beyond the planet’s Aura

A lightening rod shot straight into our Sol

Then a triangle of blue white light connects first Sirius then Alcyone 

A Rainbow Arched to envelop the Earth in a vibrant glow

 -OM- Every Atom of creation is infused with Pure Love

 All Life became translucent

Beauty reigned from the heavens 

A Symphony of Bird Song harmonizing every Earthly Kingdom 

All was in perfect Synthesis 

Angels rejoiced throughout the Universe 

Devic Substance was redeemed unto the Holy Spirit 

The Angel of Presence 

The Great White Angel enveloped Earth in a heavenly glow.

(C)  Mechel Gallaway 

October 10, 2021



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