Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Blue Wings

Sky so Red with Clouds on High
The Magic Sword for an unkind Lie
Reflected deep within mine eye

Fleeting memories in days of yore

Within the Chasm of my Being
I hearken to Angels Singing

A majestic vision stands revealed
Blue Wings!
Couture for a Pharaoh

I gaze once more
Red Clouds on High
Blue Wings in Flight

Gently dipping through the mist
Blue Splendor set aglow
As Red weds the violet aura

In Awe of this Omniscient Gift
My Humbled Soul does uplift

I AM Exposed
Reality enfolds

Presence Forlorn
Becomes Adorned

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway


From the Mind Source Electric
Consciousness is focused
Infusing a Point of Light

Intuitive Vision Amalgamates with Ether
Creative Brilliance Shines Forth

Devas Gather as Beauty Imbues Form

A New Life is Born

Impetus ensues
With Descending Purpose

Prana is veiled in Illusion
Synthesized with Elements
As Personality Blooms

Magnetism Assembles Substance
As Inertia takes Hold

Ensuing Tension Arises
With an Earthly Reveal

Immersed in Frenetic Emanation
From Disremembered Souls
Amazement Enfolds

Nurtured Attachment
Encased with Glamor
Suckling Life’s Creamy Spume

From this Illumined Appearance
Streams Forth a Blissful Radiance
In an Enigmatic Boom
Filling the Room
(c) 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway


A Light is seen
Consciousness imbues Being

Instilled by Might
Purity flashes Bright

Frequency shifts
Fusion Lifts

Naked Veracity
Psyche Velocity

At One with Bliss
Infused Iotas

Centripetal Cord
Encased by Form

Ewer Appearance
Succor Kindness

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Beauty Becomes Her

The Breath of illumination ignites every cell
It thrusts into the core of the mother filling her well

Illumined Beauty spreads throughout her element
Bringing Synthesis to her firmament

The fourth of the fourth Cosmic Plane
Has entered her Being igniting its Flame
Her Human Eyes Whiteness Suffering and Pain

She renews her focus on Purpose and Vision
Transmuting and Sublimating fulfilling her Mission

Realization exists in the Distance
Humanity increases its Resistance
Not knowing of her Persistence

The Sacrifice continues as She Rises to Her Full Glory
Not knowing how long they will be stuck in their Story

Where they play out their Drama
Resulting from old Karma

She Smiles with great Radiance
Imagining them in a Blissful Dance

She renews her focus on Purpose and Vision
Transmuting and Sublimating fulfilling her Mission

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved