Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Blue Wings

Sky so Red with Clouds on High
The Magic Sword for an unkind Lie
Reflected deep within mine eye

Fleeting memories in days of yore

Within the Chasm of my Being
I hearken to Angels Singing

A majestic vision stands revealed
Blue Wings!
Couture for a Pharaoh

I gaze once more
Red Clouds on High
Blue Wings in Flight

Gently dipping through the mist
Blue Splendor set aglow
As Red weds the violet aura

In Awe of this Omniscient Gift
My Humbled Soul does uplift

I AM Exposed
Reality enfolds

Presence Forlorn
Becomes Adorned

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway

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