Tuesday, March 18, 2014


From the Mind Source Electric
Consciousness is focused
Infusing a Point of Light

Intuitive Vision Amalgamates with Ether
Creative Brilliance Shines Forth

Devas Gather as Beauty Imbues Form

A New Life is Born

Impetus ensues
With Descending Purpose

Prana is veiled in Illusion
Synthesized with Elements
As Personality Blooms

Magnetism Assembles Substance
As Inertia takes Hold

Ensuing Tension Arises
With an Earthly Reveal

Immersed in Frenetic Emanation
From Disremembered Souls
Amazement Enfolds

Nurtured Attachment
Encased with Glamor
Suckling Life’s Creamy Spume

From this Illumined Appearance
Streams Forth a Blissful Radiance
In an Enigmatic Boom
Filling the Room
(c) 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway

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