Thursday, December 18, 2014

Star Dust Ignited

From where star dust ignited Into flames
Inner vision revealed the dancing flashes of red blue yellow & hints of green
The place where light penetrates the darkness feeling it with liquid joy

As it danced between & through every cell my vessel is translucent
Transported to a world where Souls waltz in the light of Pranayama

Surrounded with the endless essence of Beings with beauty exploding in magnificence
As we join in a reverie of endless love steaming forth in its infinite wonderment I lose all sense of self

A rainbow halo placed where I once perceived my crown

Street beggars with praying hands surrounded by shopping bags filled with teddy bears of pink, yellow, blue & brown
Mothers & fathers on her knees wailing in grief as the empty burnt bodies of their children lay before them

All the terror of human frailty flashes swiftly before in added vision
The flow of golden molten liquid love widens its breath into the grave of despair burning what remains of human misery

A tower beam of pure white light propels out of our fiery molten love
Connecting to a star shining -revealing at its core
A radiant blue diamond where my presence of being re-emerges

Emerald green twinkles replace my eyes merging vision into spirit

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

For the Children

As we Release the repulsion of worn out ideologies
We can Embrace the essence of our Being as ONE LIFE

In Holding the innocence of our youth in Reverence
We recognize this space where new ideas are born
And we begin our Work with this creative process

When adults are secure within themselves
Then the new ideas of the children become a catalyst

When we Commit ourselves to the work of bringing about inner peace
We realize our duty

Embrace this fresh new energy born unto humanity
So that we can move forward with Harmony & Beauty

For the Children are the Future Voice and their innocence Prevails

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Be Wise of Nations
How can I play a symphony when the song of war rages so loud?
How can I paint my words of Loyalty when the hungry children shriek?

The suffering is deafening drowning the notes that playfully express my Will

I must veil my Beauty
In the presence of your destructive Kill
My flame of love burns bright turning Blood into electric blue light

BE the Cause Oh Nation not the effect
Uplift your peoples
Hold them in Reverence
Hidden within their Bosom is a lingering spark

Use your Might oh Nation
Allow US to take Flight

Feed the hungry Souls with Aspiration of a Nation’s Spirit
Don’t teach them to Fear It
Lead them to the depths of Creativity
Give them your Service

BE the burning flame igniting & synthesizing
Unifying the Many Cultures
Celebrate the expression of their Essences

SEE them? At your threshold
As they fall to their knees
Praying their silent revere
JOIN them in Humility

Beg Forgiveness oh Nation
We are here with open hearts
Radiant with Joy
Holding Vision of Our Future
Where ALL Nations awaken in Silent Revere
Singing the song of Our SOUL

© Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

I am the Sun & Moon Rising
I am the scorpion stinging & the eagle soaring

I am the ocean & rivers flowing
I am the Earth & the wind blowing

I am the Stars and the Darkness

I am the clouds & the morning dew
AND so are YOU!


You can’t touch ME!


I am patience & enduring
I await our Forth Coming!

I am the fragrance of Jasmine
The smell of stagnation succumbs ones senses

I am HERE, Waiting
Suffering masses nearly extinguish your Pace

Never give up the fight
I am HERE; Waiting

Through the Ages
On these pages
You Write

Piercing the sludge of the refuse
Lighting the Fuse!

Burning the Stench
Until it no longer can Pinch

My HAND reaches back
YOU carry a SACK
Of days gone by
DON”T stop for PIE!

Let it ALL go
Let it Flow

I embrace YOU!

We journey far & wide
We fused burning the hide

Engulfed in Radiance
It’s time to dance
My Song of Joy & Bliss

I take you higher
Into the fire
Where Divine Love IS

Your vessel turns to MIST
Falling on ALL that EXISTS

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

I told the cold that Joy will warm my Heart.

(c) 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Reflections of Me

I cannot tell you anything that you are not already capable of knowing yourself.
Nor can I give you anything that is not already at your fingertips.
You have all the answers within your own Being to all of the questions you or anyone else may ask.

Each of us has enormous capacity of Being.
So what is it that we want or need from each other?
Value; We have the capacity to value ourselves and in doing so we set our own value.
Companionship; We experience companionship with others to the capacity that we have companionship with ourselves.

How can I understand others, if I don’t understand myself?

You reflect to me what is already within my own awareness whether I am awake to it or not.
What most of us are looking for outside of ourselves is a reflection, a mirror of what lies within us so that we can gaze upon ourselves.

As I gaze upon myself in the reflection of you
I see the beauty that hides within me

In your grief I touch on the grief I hide inside
In your laughter, laughter is ignited within me

Your Joy radiates and pierces the Joy laden in me
So that we can be in Joy

Your Spirit Unites with Mine as we gaze at Beauty emanated by a flower

This must mean that Beauty enables us to see our harmony
 A harmony so perfect that nothing can escape it

As I connect to the world outside of myself it reflects me to you and you to me

We are in concert with the great symphony of the Cosmos
Infinitely expressing itself

In those special tender moments when I touch something in me gazing at you
I can hear the masterpiece sweeping us away
I can see the Vision drawing us near
I can smell the fragrance of our essence

For You Are a Part of Me and I am a Part of You
Endless Reflections of the One in Us

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 16, 2014


Within human Being Exists a Beautiful Place
Absent of Time and Space

Just IS
Results in Bliss

Permeating Presence Igniting a Flame
Dissolving all Pain

Synthesized Unity

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

When the music touches me my heart opens like a new spring blossom
Like tiny dew drops it dances throughout my Being leaving traces of Joy in its path
What a Blessing this wondrous composer IS
Frequencies that pierce throughout all time and space drawing all life into the Beauty of Being

That Blissful Presence ministering to the SOUL in perfected Synthesis

With my deepest gratitude and love

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 21, 2014

Blue Dragon with Piercing Eyes
Reflecting stories of days gone by
When Treasured Secrets hidden deep
Began to Blossom in Treasuries Steep

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Blue Flame with an Indigo Heart
Turning Back to Serve My Part

Electric Blue Fills My Veins
As I Seek to Ease Their Pains

Wordsmith of Wisdom
From Days of Yore
Engraving and Paving
The Path Once More

Visions and Missions
Adorn My Way
As I Encounter egos at Play

Projection Meets Reflection
As My Mirror Shines Bright
Illusion and Glamour Takes Flight

Effect of Conflict
Takes Hold
Armageddon Unfolds

As the Battle Rages On
I assure them it won’t Be Long
Will It?
Ring the Gong

Harmony Ensues
As Peace Imbues
Where’s the Fuse?

The Joy of the Teacher
Trying to Reach Fear
Set Them in High Gear

Effect of Conflict
Takes Hold
Armageddon Unfolds

As the Battle Rages On
I assure them it won’t Be Long
Will It?
Ring the Gong

Harmony Ensues
As Peace Imbues
The Personality May Fuse

As the Battle Rages On
I assure them it won’t Be Long
Will It?
Ring the Gong

The Joy of the Teacher
Oops a Creature
Another Feature

A Mêlée Commences
Sandalwood Incense
Classical Song

I assure them it won’t Be Long
Will It?
Ring the Gong

Awareness gives Pardon
Pruning the Garden
As Lotus Buds Open

Meditation Mantra
Volumes of Virtues
Rigorous Scholar

Detached Observer
Must Imbue
An Evening Review

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Blue Wings

Sky so Red with Clouds on High
The Magic Sword for an unkind Lie
Reflected deep within mine eye

Fleeting memories in days of yore

Within the Chasm of my Being
I hearken to Angels Singing

A majestic vision stands revealed
Blue Wings!
Couture for a Pharaoh

I gaze once more
Red Clouds on High
Blue Wings in Flight

Gently dipping through the mist
Blue Splendor set aglow
As Red weds the violet aura

In Awe of this Omniscient Gift
My Humbled Soul does uplift

I AM Exposed
Reality enfolds

Presence Forlorn
Becomes Adorned

(c) 2015 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway


From the Mind Source Electric
Consciousness is focused
Infusing a Point of Light

Intuitive Vision Amalgamates with Ether
Creative Brilliance Shines Forth

Devas Gather as Beauty Imbues Form

A New Life is Born

Impetus ensues
With Descending Purpose

Prana is veiled in Illusion
Synthesized with Elements
As Personality Blooms

Magnetism Assembles Substance
As Inertia takes Hold

Ensuing Tension Arises
With an Earthly Reveal

Immersed in Frenetic Emanation
From Disremembered Souls
Amazement Enfolds

Nurtured Attachment
Encased with Glamor
Suckling Life’s Creamy Spume

From this Illumined Appearance
Streams Forth a Blissful Radiance
In an Enigmatic Boom
Filling the Room
(c) 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway


A Light is seen
Consciousness imbues Being

Instilled by Might
Purity flashes Bright

Frequency shifts
Fusion Lifts

Naked Veracity
Psyche Velocity

At One with Bliss
Infused Iotas

Centripetal Cord
Encased by Form

Ewer Appearance
Succor Kindness

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved

Beauty Becomes Her

The Breath of illumination ignites every cell
It thrusts into the core of the mother filling her well

Illumined Beauty spreads throughout her element
Bringing Synthesis to her firmament

The fourth of the fourth Cosmic Plane
Has entered her Being igniting its Flame
Her Human Eyes Whiteness Suffering and Pain

She renews her focus on Purpose and Vision
Transmuting and Sublimating fulfilling her Mission

Realization exists in the Distance
Humanity increases its Resistance
Not knowing of her Persistence

The Sacrifice continues as She Rises to Her Full Glory
Not knowing how long they will be stuck in their Story

Where they play out their Drama
Resulting from old Karma

She Smiles with great Radiance
Imagining them in a Blissful Dance

She renews her focus on Purpose and Vision
Transmuting and Sublimating fulfilling her Mission

© 2014 Mechel Gallaway
All Rights Reserved